What I've Learnt From #FeelGoodBlogging Challenge

Hi everyone!

Today I'll be talking about blogging, so if you're a blogger (or if you're not) - stick with me!

A bit more than a week ago I joined Alex Beadon's challenge called Feel Good Blogging for entrepreneurs and dreamers alike who have a mission - start blogging.

It was called ‘challenge’ for a reason.

Us, Feel Good Bloggers, were challenged to blog every day for seven days on certain topics. It was interesting to see how we all had to step out of our comfort zone and by doing so, we broke the ice (I admit, I'm a cheater! I still haven't written my Day 6 post!).

Now we know the basics for every upcoming post we'll be sharing and we're aware that there are a few crucial things we need to pay attention to:

1. CONSISTENCY - we need to be consistent in blogging. No time for procrastination, folks!
2. PASSION - If we blog about something, it has to be something we're passionately interested in. I can't blog about architecture because I'm not so much interested in it!
3. We need to SHARE OUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES because people want to KNOW the person behind the work.


Anyone who follows me knows all about my lovely cats! :) I do, however, have a separate photography Instagram account and a personal one (this one is filled with cat and food photos!)

Anyone who follows me knows all about my lovely cats! :) I do, however, have a separate photography Instagram account and a personal one (this one is filled with cat and food photos!)

When I LOVE the work of another creative, I Google them and read their interviews, watch their behind the scenes, stalk their Instagrams (and watch clips of their dog playing) and I want to learn more about them!
I want to get to know the person and why does he or she do what they do. 

During the challenge, I’ve also learnt the importance of community and I can’t stress enough how great it is to hear from people, to hear their thoughts and opinions.

It's important to know that that ALL of us are interested in many different things.

For example, what I do is photography, but I’m also interested in interior, graphic and product design, in vegetarian and vegan food (not that I’m a good cook ‘cause I’m not, so I’m NOT inviting you for dinner!), fashion, illustration (I’ll be majoring in applied arts so yeah, I love illustration!), DIY blogs (you can learn SO MUCH from DIY projects, it’s incredible).

Are you interested in food, literature, LEGO, Ingres, Paris, travelling, cartoons, DIY ... or maybe ALL of it?

Are you interested in food, literature, LEGO, Ingres, Paris, travelling, cartoons, DIY ... or maybe ALL of it?

What I wanted to say is - people are interested in many different things, but chose one or two to work on, while the others remain hobbies. 

It's impossible to do everything that interests you for a simple reason - there's only 24 hours in a day. And you also need to oversleep a good part of it! 

What you, as a blogger, need to do is create good quality content and point with your finger at it and shout: ‘’I wrote this! You WILL like it because I know you’re interested in the matter, even if you've never even heard about it!’’

Remember - us humans are curious beings.
(And we also like having things served on a nice silver plate waiting for us).

The Feel Good Blogging community has been very supportive and, since I’ve just started my blog, the comments have been very helpful and I hope I have helped other members as well! :)

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